Choose The Right Divorce Lawyer

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How To Chose The Right Divorce Lawyer Author: Belinda Rachman, Esq. You open up the phone book and are faced with so many ads for divorce lawyers you have no idea who to call. Divorce is scary because you have heard so many stories from your friends about how nasty and expensive their own divorce… Read more »

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

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Peaceful Divorce: An Idea Whose Time Has Come article here: By Belinda Etezad Rachman, Esq., Attorney-Mediator Ask most people what it is like to go through a divorce and chances are you will hear a litany of horror stories about high legal costs, unfair results in court and lawyers who don’t care enough about their… Read more »

Marital Misconduct Can Cost

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Marital Misconduct Can Cost divorce360 article here: Legal: Some States Have Option to Rule in Favor of Victim of Marital Misconduct By Kelly Sons Just because you can get a no-fault divorce in many states doesn’t mean you are safe from accusations of marital misconduct that has a negative economic impact upon the spouse that’s… Read more »

Protect Co-Parenting

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How To Save $37,500 On Legal Fees AND Protect Your Co-Parenting Relationship By Belinda Rachman, Esq This will probably surprise you but divorce is NOT a legal issue, it is a personal issue and most people should get a divorce with little or no lawyer involvement. If you want to have the smoothest divorce possible… Read more »

Is Good Enough, Good Enough?

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Experts, Couples Say ‘Tis Better To Settle For Compatibility Than Wait For Perfection   Feb. 28, 2008 (WebMD) Forty-one-year-old single mother and journalist Lori Gottlieb has written candidly of spurning “good enough” men in search of the perfect romantic mate. But in her provocative new essay for the Atlantic, Gottlieb advises singles – especially women… Read more »