When Facebook Dumps You, What Can You Do?

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When actress/singer/performance artist, Ann Magnuson posted photographer Austin Young’s artfully done recreation of the 1974 Roxy Music album, “Country Life,” as her Facebook profile photo on Monday, April 5, 2010, she had no idea of what the consequences would be on Wednesday, April 7, 2010. On… Read Post

How Can I Get a Good Divorce?

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Fair Fast and Affordable Divorce Mediation | Better for Your Children Your Serenity Your Finances

Jennifer Huget interviewed divorce experts for The Washington Post and I was honored to be included Set the tone: Belinda Rachman, a lawyer in Carlsbad, Calif., and principal of Divorce in a Day Mediation, says the parties should try to “keep the drama down, be rational and get through this as peacefully as possible.” She suggests… Read more »